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Her Watch, Her Story: Sinziana Iordache and Her Hyperrealistic Drawings of Watches

Her Watch, Her Story: Sinziana Iordache and Her Hyperrealistic Drawings of Watches

By Zarah Cheng
28 Jun 2024
10 min read

With a background in architecture and interior design, Iordache’s art practice now focuses on graphite drawings that celebrate the intricate beauty of timepieces, all rendered with photorealistic detail

When you first look at Sinziana Iordache’s images, you might be quick to appreciate the artwork as striking monochromatic photographs of watches. Every detail is captured with exquisite detail, capturing each and every idiosyncrasy of the timepiece. However, upon closer inspection, you will come to the realization that these photographs are actually not photographs at all – these are, in fact, pencil drawings. 

Iordache is a Toronto-based hyperrealist artist who uses graphite as her primary medium. She has a background in architecture and interior design, which has given way to her art practice of photorealistic drawings. She first developed her oeuvre around portraiture, capturing the uniqueness of the human form for almost a decade. After being immersed in the world of design and architecture, she began to experience a shift in the way that she approached her art. 

Her Watch, Her Story: Sinziana Iordache
Iordache's hyperrealistic pencil drawing of watches look like photographs

Already having a profound appreciation of watches, she saw timepieces as a way for her to challenge herself and to experience growth within her technical abilities. “Transitioning from portraiture to focusing my artwork on watches felt serendipitous. After a significant break from art, I returned with a desire for change, exploring various subjects until watches resonated as the perfect fit,” Sinziana recalls. 

Having already witnessed her father’s fascination with cars and watches throughout her childhood, her interest in timepieces culminated after a transformative trip to Dubai in 2019 in which she visited the MAD Gallery that reignited her passion. “The intricate beauty of MB&F timepieces captivated me, steering my artistic journey toward watches. The complexity and rich details of timepieces present endless opportunities for exploration, allowing me to bring out the textures and nuances often overlooked,” she reminisces.

Her Watch, Her Story: Sinziana Iordache
Iordache's interest in timepieces culminated after a transformative trip to Dubai in 2019 in which she visited the MAD Gallery that reignited her passion

Sharing her work on social media, Iordache has now amassed over 36k followers. On her feed, she posts hyperrealistic drawings of watches that are practically inconceivable in the amount of detail that they capture. Were it not for her process videos that show her layering shading and repeating motifs in agonizing detail, it would be an understandable oversight to mistake these hand-drawn pieces as photographs. But as an artist who practices hyperrealism, it is this common error that precisely indicates to Iordache that she has accomplished what she sought out to do.

On what attracted her the most to this style, she explains, “I often describe my work as a celebration of details, as it is this meticulous attention to detail that draws me to hyperrealism. My large-scale drawings serve to enhance and highlight the intricate details that often go unnoticed to the naked eye.” This is certainly true when one looks at Iordache’s work. From scratches derived from daily wear, to the pebbled texture of a leather strap, the story behind each watch comes to life in her impeccably rendered drawings.

Her Watch, Her Story: Sinziana Iordache
Iordache's large-scale drawings serve to enhance and highlight the intricate details that often go unnoticed to the naked eye

In fact, her compositions are similar to the detail-oriented nature of watchmaking itself and the artistry behind creating a timepiece. “I have a deep admiration for craftsmanship and intricate details, which naturally draws me to timepieces featuring complications, diverse textures, and elaborate designs. Brands like Breguet, A. Lange & Söhne, Bovet, Vacheron Constantin captivate me with their complexity,” she explains. “Drawing these watches has been immensely satisfying due to the challenge they present and their elegant designs. I am particularly excited by projects that initially seem daunting due to their [complex] details.”  

The actual process in which Iordache creates her drawings also plays a significant role in her veneration for the artform. “The process of creating each artwork is deeply immersive and therapeutic for me. It starts with research and selecting a watch that intrigues me, or collaborating with a collector on their favourite timepiece,” she describes. “There is a lot of research and planning before a drawing starts, and I often ‘draw’ a piece several times in my head before pencil hits paper.” From there, the very act of focusing on the details becomes akin to meditation for Iordache. “Each stroke and shading brings me closer to capturing the essence of the timepiece,” she reflects. “I often lose track of time while drawing, becoming completely absorbed in the intricate details.”

Her Watch, Her Story: Sinziana Iordache
Although Iordache recognizes watchmaking being a male-dominated space, she doesn’t feel that her art is gender-coded

"Graphite, often viewed as a humble medium, is my choice because of the limitless possibilities it offers for pushing artistic boundaries. There’s a profound beauty in the way graphite captures nuances of light and shadow.”

Sinziana Iordache

As for the medium that centers her artwork, Iordache describes a beautiful juxtaposition between the modest utilitarianism of her preferred instrument and the grandeur that often surrounds intricate timepieces. “Graphite, often viewed as a humble medium, is my choice because of the limitless possibilities it offers for pushing artistic boundaries. There’s a profound beauty in the way graphite captures nuances of light and shadow,” she explicates. “Finding the right balance between technical skill and personal expression is a continuous, evolving process. I feel that my style is still evolving, and I remain committed to honing my craft.”

Of course, the subjects of Iordache’s artwork also exist within a wider conversation around the forward movement of gender roles within the horology space. Although she does recognize that watchmaking has historically been a male-dominated space, the artist doesn’t feel that her art in particular is gender-coded. “From childhood, I've been attracted to interests often perceived as more masculine, which might explain my seamless integration into this field,” she reflects. “My primary focus has always been the watches themselves — their beauty, intricacy, and craftsmanship.”

Her Watch, Her Story: Sinziana Iordache
Iordache's work is essentially a celebration of details

“I think it's an exhilarating time in the world of horology for women, as they move beyond scaled-down men's models to seek timepieces reflecting their own tastes and personalities.”

Sinziana Iordache

Even so, she does recognize that the current state of the world of watches is an exciting one for the women in it. “I think it's an exhilarating time in the world of horology for women, as they move beyond scaled-down men's models to seek timepieces reflecting their own tastes and personalities,” she observes. “It's inspiring to see women embracing watches that tell their stories and taking prominent roles in a field that previously had minimal female representation. This shift is not only empowering but also signals a broader acceptance of diverse perspectives in watch design and appreciation.”

Her Watch, Her Story: Sinziana Iordache
Iordache's Omega Speedmaster

When it comes to her work, it is – at the end of the day – all about connection. Whether it be connecting people through the technical mastery of her chosen medium, or connecting fellow appreciators of fine watches, Iordache finds joy in the dialogue that opens up around her art. “Connecting with individuals who share a passion for timepieces and appreciate my meticulous drawings has been immensely rewarding. Their excitement when my art highlights beloved details, along with their personal stories, truly brings a smile to my face,” she shares with fondness. “Learning from those with deeper horological knowledge has been an invaluable experience, exposing me to this world in ways I never imagined.”

Her Watch, Her Story: Sinziana Iordache
Iordache's Omega Speedmaster Moonswatch

As Sinziana continues to hone her craft, it is an affecting sentiment to know that she is devoted to constant improvement. “Moving forward, I plan to delve into even more intricate and innovative designs. I have been experimenting with new mediums to complement graphite, aiming to introduce additional texture to my art,” she shares. There is poetry in the way that time – fleeting as it may be – holds still through her artwork. The hands are forever preserved at the hour and minute they have been ordained to tell. The pinions are still, unmoving for the rest of time. Time, although forever moving, stands motionless in perfect detail through Sinziana Iordache’s drawings.